Int Ch Happy Felix Canis “Halli”
Sire:CH Fhigo Porta Trsatica
Dam: Unni Felix Cains
Halli was imported from Felix Canis Kennels same as our Epic’s (Int Ch Ferdinand Felix Canis) and is his 1/2 sibling. Epic is such an outstanding dog in every aspect from health testing, conformation to working, therapy, obedience, agility, and bitework when we spoke with the breeder was delighted when she offered us Happy aka Halli. They originally named her “Happy” as she has such a sweet expression and demeanor and always willing to please!!! From family companion, home protection, to play or for conformation show-this girl is a knockout! Her social nature, text book breed standard type meeting her ready to please attitude this girl is a treasure! She is very square with proper proportions, firm topline, excellent angulation and super clean coming and going like on air! She has generous bone and substance but keeps a feminine appeal and has such breed type complemented by her beautiful trophy head! Halli is social with other dogs and adores children of all ages. She loves to go swimming, play soccer, run by your bike, go to dog shows or just lay in front of the fire on cold Ky nights.
Health Testing:
Cardiologist echo-ofa Normal (Kate Meurs) DM-Negative, ARVC-Negative, OFA Patella-Normal, OFA-Thyroid-Normal, OFA Spine-Normal, Penn Hip Certified, Dental-normal (Excellent teeth/bite)
Many Thanks to Branka and Margarita for uniting Halli, Epic, & Onix with us over the years!
Royal Cain All breed Wilmington Oh David Arthur SG1
Royal Cain all breed Wilmington Oh Catherine Thompson SG1
Royal Canin All breed Wilmington Oh Peter Smith (England) SG1
5/19 Chi-town Boxer Verein- Angelika Hartmann -1st place in very large group SG1
Angelica Hartman
5/19 Chi-town Boxer Verein -Best Youth Brindle female won CAC
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