Big Mac Boxers Links
Remember when looking for a quality, health boxer puppy to do your research, talk with different breeders and find out there vast knowledge (if they have any) about health issues that might plague there lines or concerns for your puppy/dogs future. This new family member is someone you will be living with for the next 12-14 years if you buy from a reputable breeder who cares about the future of our breed and watches whom/what they breed and not just a novice.
For ~Free~Boxer Pedigree Information: “free all breed pedigrees” “free all breed pedigrees”
Different registery’s that offer shows in: ob./agility/ conf.
(some don’t have equal quality type/standards as the AKC or FCI) agility comp. International shows This is where to buy your best dog doors
Ellen Chance, CHB (custom importer for dogs) This is who i use she is wonderful
Jean D. Duncan Customs Brokers
Puppy Scammers
Here is website that lists the latest puppy scammers along with kennel names, countries, and websites they are scamming from so buyer beware and do your research! Look here for “Reputable Breeders” page for help interviewing breeders
Boxer Dog Breed Training Supplies– Any-purpose and all weather Harnesses, free breathing Muzzles, safe and comfortable Collars, durable Leashes and lots of other useful and must-have Boxer dog breed training equipment are available here.